Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day four...

Tasks - official list.
Things I need to get done.

1) Create a blog. - done
2) Put link into moodle wiki. - done
3) Fill in the rest of your details on moodle. - done
4) Check out all the sites related to the list in the embedded systems notices blog. Write a sentence about what each one does. You don't have to be very familiar with each one. - almost done.
5) Find 4 more Arduino LED related videos in youtube, blipTv etc. Put a link and a two-sentence review about each one in your blog. Be prepared to talk about one or more of them.
6) Establish a sketch pad folder. - done.
7) Write the original blink program and save into a sketch pad folder.
8) Write a variation of the blink program that has a LED mostly off. Just winking on quickly. -done.
9) Ditto, but have the LED mostly on. - done.
10) Get the LED to blink 10ms on 10ms off. Can you see it blinking? - No, only faint flickering.
11) Check out the Blink2 program elsewhere in the embedded notices blog. Run it and paste it into your blog. The following tasks are variations of Blink2. - done.
12) Make one of the LEDs blink when the other is off. - done.
13) Get on to blink mostly on and the other is mostly off. "Mostly on" means its on all the time except for a little flash off about once a second. - done.
14) Like 13 but the LEDs are reversed. That is the one that is mostly on is now mostly off. - done.
15) no task 15?? - thats done then :P
16) Get one LED to blink twice, then the other one to blink once then repeat forever. - done.
17) Write a for-loop with counter variable i. Get one LED to blink 5 times, using the for-loop, then the other to blink once. Repeat forever. - done.
18) Like 17) but i can be any value. Try different ones. Later we can input this value from the keyboard. - done.
19) Write a program to get an LED to increase its rate of blinking from 100ms to 1 second. - done.
20) Same as 19 but this time ramp up the rate from 10ms to 1 second then back down again. -done.
21) Write a program to output one LED blinking rate at 200ms that outputs the word "Blink" to the screen each time it comes on. - done.
22) Same as 21 but this time use 2 LEDs of different colours and output the colour of the LED to the screen each time it goes on. So you should see eg "red yellow red yellow".
23) put atleast one arduino variety, like Freeduino, into this wiki with a screen shot and put a link and a comment back into your blog so that it can be verified. - done

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