Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tasks 54 - 60

54) Data logging. Write a small program that reads a real world signal like light or temperature and takes 10 samples over ten seconds. Output your values to the serial screen.

int photoCellPin = 0;
int photoCellReading;

int i;

void setup(void)

photoCellReading = analogRead(photoCellPin);

for(i=0;i less than 10;i++)
Serial.print("analog reading = ");

if (photoCellReading less than 10)
{Serial.println(" - Dark");}
if (photoCellReading less than 200)
{Serial.println(" - Dim");}
if (photoCellReading less than 500)
{Serial.println(" - Light");}
if (photoCellReading less than 800)
{Serial.println(" - Bright");}
{Serial.println(" - Very Bright");}



void loop(void)

55) Same but this time store your values in an array called mySamples[] and output the array on completion of the tenth sample.

int photoCellPin = 0;
int photoCellReading;

int i;
int x;

int mySamples[10];

void setup(void)

for(i=0; i less than 10; i++)

photoCellReading = analogRead(photoCellPin);

Serial.print("analog reading = ");

if (photoCellReading less than 10)
{Serial.println(" - Very Dark");}
if (photoCellReading less than 100)
{Serial.println(" - Dark");}
if (photoCellReading less than 200)
{Serial.println(" - Dim");}
if (photoCellReading less than 500)
{Serial.println(" - Light");}
if (photoCellReading less than 600)
{Serial.println(" - Lighter");}
if (photoCellReading less than 800)
{Serial.println(" - Bright");}
{Serial.println(" - Very Bright");}


mySamples[i] = photoCellReading;

for(x=0;x less than 10;x++)


void loop(void)

56) Same as 55 but this time store your values into eeprom then output from there after 5 second delay.

57) Same as 56 but this time write a separate function to find the smallest value and out put that at the end of the sampling with a suitable message.

58) Same as 57 but this time write two functions average() and biggest(). The average function outputs the mean of the values as a floating point number and the other function, biggest(), will output the greatest value that you have sampled.

--Next tasks are to do with longer term data logging over a day or longer.

59) Create an experiment that will log a real-world variable like light or temperature over 24 hours or more. Store your logged values in eeprom and display your values in a useful way. Write up your experiment with photos and movies in your blog.

60) Make a presentation to the class with at least three slides on one of the function blocks of the mega328. This is a diagram in the blog with the heading "the main parts of the mega 328".

//not enough time left in the semester - asked to flag as it will be included in the test.

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